Caviar is synonymous with luxury and quality. There are so many types of Caviar to pick from. Sometimes it turns out to be confusing. Caviar also known as “black gold” is a rare and expensive delicacy of sturgeon fish eggs. Caviar comes from several species of sturgeon, but beluga Caviar is the largest, rarest, and the most expensive Caviar. However, how expensive or how cheap it can be to buy Caviar is not the topic, the purpose of this blog is to guide you through the most common Types of Caviar and the good news is you can get them all in Caviar Lover.

Caviar is divided into two grades depending on qualities such as size, color, firmness, taste, and aroma. Grade 1 is the firmest, richest eggs and grade 2 is slightly lower in quality. If this is too much for you, no worries! This extra information will surely help you on your hunt for the best Caviar.
People have been consuming sturgeon Caviar for hundreds of years. Of the 27 sturgeon species, almost all can be harvested for their eggs but beluga, sevruga, and ossetra have long dominated the Caviar world. Some other products known as Caviar substitutes have been gaining popularity since the past years. What are the most common types of Caviar and which are available at Caviar Lover? Here’s the list:
Beluga Hybrid Caviar

Kaluga Caviar

Osetra Caviar

Osetra sturgeon eggs are brown to golden in color. The lighter the eggs, the older the fish, and the more expensive the osetra Caviar. It has a naturally salty sea-like taste. Find a great variety of Osetra Caviar in our store: Classic Russian Osetra, Imperial Russian Osetra, or our Crown Russian Osetra
- Salmon roe: Also called “red roe”, is a reddish-orange, transparent mass consumed in some form in most cultures’ cuisines. It has a fresh, salty, and slightly “fishy” taste and It delivers that classic pop when bitten. Buy American Salmon Roe.
- Paddlefish caviar: Another freshwater sturgeon from the United States, paddlefish produce eggs similar in taste to the wild sturgeon of the Caspian Sea with a buttery, earthy flavor. Buy Paddlefish Caviar.